وازاب وويبينار أو كونفرانس من WAZZUB على الهواء مباشرة يبدأ غدا" السبت 28 أبريل2012 الساعه التاسعه مساء" بتوقيت القاهره.
لينك الاشتراك والدعوه للزملاء الجدد:
. Very Important update and training Webinar. Saturday, April/28/12 @ 3:00 PM (EST) We tried the new platform with TalkFusion to host the webinar today, however it could not handle the number of people and it crashed. So, obviously it's
not better than WizIQ. It's been re-scheduled. Please go to the link below: Register_Here Check_World-Wide_TimeZone ]
enter your name as a guest EnterYourNameAsAguest_Here]]
http://heywazzub.blogspot.comموفقين جمبعا والى اللقاء غدا